2017.10-至今 沙巴足球网,副教授
2023.1-2024.1 澳大利亚国家昆虫馆,访问学者
2014.1-2017.9 沙巴足球网,讲师
2010.9-2013.12 中山大学生命科学学院,博士(导师:庞虹教授)
2011.10-2013.10 澳大利亚生态系统科学研究所,联培博士(导师:Adam Slipinski博士)
2007.9-2010.6 湖北大学生命科学学院,硕士(导师:陈建教授)
[1] 长江大学“长江人才计划”菁英人才(2018–2021)
[2] 国家自然科学基金青年基金(2017-2019)
[3] 长江大学昆虫研究所开放基金(2015-2016)
[4] 长江大学作物学科创提升计划项目(2015-2016)
[5] 长江大学国家自然科学基金预研项目(2014-2016)
[6] 长江大学博士科研启动基金项目(2014-2015)
[1] Fu, YT., Jin, ZY*, Wu, G*. A new species of Dascillus Latreille (Coleoptera: Dascillidae) from Hubei, China. Zootaxa. 2023. 5239 (4): 578–584.
[2] Li, YD., Jin, ZY., Slipinski, A, Huang, DY., Cai, CY*. Parelateriformius from the Middle-Late Jurassic of China reinterpreted as the earliest Dascillidae (Coleoptera: Dascilloidea). Palaeoentomology. 2022. 005 (6): 545–568.
[3] Fang, Y., Li, S., Xu, QX., Wang, J., Yang, YJ., Mi, YY., Jin, ZY*., Desneux, N., Wang, S*. Optimizing the use of basil as functional plants to biological control of aphids by Chrysopa pallens (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in greenhouses. Insects. 2022. 13 (6): 552.
[4] Wang, J., Li, S., Yang, J., Guo, MC., Dai, HJ., Ramirez-Romero, R., Jin, ZY*., Wang, S*. The fitness of mass rearing food on the establishment of Chrysopa pallens in a banker plant system under fluctuating temperatures conditions. Insects. 2021. 12 (11): 1014.
[5] Wang, J., Li, S., Fang, Y., Zhang, F., Jin, ZY*., Desneux, N., Wang, S*. Enhanced and
sustainable control of Myzus persicae by repellent plants in organic pepper and eggplant
greenhouses. Pest Management Science. 2021. 77 (11): 428–437.
[6] Fang, Y., Yan, YJ. & Jin, ZY*. Description of a new species of Dascillus Latreille from Henan, China (Coleoptera: Dascillidae). Zootaxa. 2020. 4732 (2): 341–345.
[7] Wang, J., Zhang, N., Li, SB. & Jin, ZY*. Description of two new species of Dascillus Latreille from southwest China (Coleoptera: Dascillidae). Oriental Insects. 2019. 54 (4): 556–563.
[8] Wang, J., Li, SB. & Jin, ZY*. Two new species of the genus Dascillus Latreille from Yunnan Province, China (Coleoptera: Dascillidae). Oriental Insects. 2019. 54 (1): 106–113.
[9] Jin, ZY*., Qin, Z. & Slipinski, A. New records of the family Dascillidae (Coleoptera) from China. Zootaxa. 2018. 4471 (2): 396–400.
[10] Yu, H., Li, FM. & Jin, Z*. Description of a new species of Lysiteles Simon from Guizhou Province, China (Araneae: Thomisidae). Turkish Journal of Zoology. 2017. 41: 1076–1082.
[11] Li, FM., Slipinski, A. & Jin, ZY*. Description of a new species of Dascillus Latreille from Yunnan, China (Coleoptera: Dascillidae). Zootaxa. 2017. 4341 (3): 433–436.
[12] Jin, ZY*., Xie, GL. & Zhu, YK. Description of a new species of Dascillus Latreille from China (Coleoptera: Dascillidae). Annales Zoologici (Warszawa). 2017. 67 (1): 87–90.
[13] Jin, ZY*., Xie, GL. & Yang, QX. Description of a new species of Dascillus Latreille from Sichuan, China (Coleoptera: Dascillidae). Zootaxa. 2016. 4200 (2): 321–323.
[14] Jin, ZY., Slipinski, A. & Wang, WK*. Description of a new species of Sinocaulus Fairmaire from China (Coleoptera: Dascillidae). Zootaxa. 2015. 3974 (4): 582–588.
[15] Jin, ZY., Slipinski, A. & Pang H*. Genera of Dascillinae (Coleoptera: Dascillidae) with a review of the Asian species of Dascillus Latreille, Petalon Schonherr and Sinocaulus Fairmaire. Annales Zoologici (Warszawa). 2013. 63 (4): 551–652.
[16] Jin, ZY., Slipinski, A. Pang, H*. & Ren, D*. The first Mesozoic species of soft-bodied plant beetle (Coleoptera: Dascillidae) from the Early Cretaceous of Inner Mongolia, China with a review of fossil Dascillidae. Annales Zoologici (Warszawa). 2013. 63 (3): 501–509.
[17] Jin, ZY., Escalona, H., Slipinski, A. & Pang, H*. Phylogeny and Classification of Rhipicerinae (Coleoptera: Rhipiceridae) with a review of the Australian taxa. Annales Zoologici (Warszawa). 2013. 63 (2): 275–317.
[18] Jin, ZY., Slipinski, A. & Pang, H*. A revision of the genus Notodascillus Carter (Coleoptera: Dascillidae). Zootaxa. 2013. 3613 (3): 245–256.
[19] 吴长兵, 刘飞宇, 刘俊秀, 邸宁, 王甦, 金振宇*, 徐庆宣* 夏至草对天敌昆虫控害能力的促进作用. 应用昆虫学报. 2022. 59(2):303-310.
[20] 方艳, 王杰, 覃杨, 王甦, 金振宇*, 李姝*. 蜜源植物波斯菊对捕食性天敌种群动态的影响. 中国生物防治学报. 2021. 37(5): 877-884.
[21] 肖智超, 彭意文, 贾凤莲, 金振宇*. 神农架花甲亚科昆虫种类调查初报. 湖北农业科学. 2016. 55 (13): 3349–3351,3355